Wednesday, August 31, 2022



    1.The average cost of a home in Maine is $299,000

    2.The average cost of rent in Maine is$1,599

    3.You should have a income of $31,043

    4.The average age of people that live in Maine is 44.8 years old

    5.The population of Maine is 1.341 million

                                                                     SANTA MONICA

       1.The average price of a home in Santa Monica is around $800K-1 million

       2.The average cost to rent a place in Santa Monica is $3,958

       3.Your annual income should be $83,760

        4.The average age of people that live in Santa Monica is 40.5 years old

        5.The population of Santa Monica is 91,600


Tuesday, August 30, 2022


    1.The average cost of a home in Upland is around $795.059

    2.The average cost to rent a place in Upland is around $2,000-$5,000

    3.The city of Upland gets its water source from the MWD through the IEUD




    7.The largest employer in the city of Upland is San Antonio community hospital with around 2,000 employees.

    8.The average age of a person in Upland is 37.6 years old

    9.The mayor of Upland is Bill Belto


Friday, August 26, 2022

                                                                        First week of school

    My first week of school was really good. Some of the reasons why I liked my first week of school is because I only have 4 classes so it's not a long time and the people in my classes are pretty chill. The weather was a little hot but it was okay.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

                                                                         ABOUT ME

    Hi my name is Elijah Johnson and I am 16 years old.I grew up in Upland California and have been living in the same house house for 16 years, recently was my first time moving and it was very fun to have a new place and meet new people around in my neighborhood.Some of my interests are that I like to play video games with my friends, swimming, walking around the mall just looking at stuff, and I like to watch movies.My favorite movie genres are action and horror, I really love horror films because I love the feeling of getting jump scared and also love action films because it just looks so interesting. My plans for the future are that I want to get a job and stay with my family for a little bit and support them with bills and groceries, then move out and probably get myself a 2 bedroom apartment.

    Thank you for reading and getting to know me a little bit more and that's all.

                                                                                     WEEK 9     This week has been pretty good, all we did w...