Monday, September 26, 2022

                                                                         WEEK 6

This week was pretty easy, we just did some isometric drawings and in my opinion it was pretty alright. While you're trying to draw it, it gets a little difficult but once you finish the final product it looks really cool.

Friday, September 16, 2022


                                                            Week 4 September 12-16

                            This week was very fun in my opinion, we had to cut some wood to use them as barriers so the roosters wouldn't get out. Also we had to create a doorway by cutting a piece of wood off and had to pick weeds in the garden. I really had fun working in the farm and using the cutting machines and I'm looking forward to doing more future projects including with the farm.

Friday, September 9, 2022


                                                                   WEEK 3 9/9/2022

                           This week all we learned art in class was the difference between mp3 and mp4.We did some projects with them and learned how to make like a quick presentation and was Heatwave themed, so like anything hot related.I thought it was pretty interesting and fun to learn about it. 

Friday, September 2, 2022

                                                                         WEEK 2

                My second week of school was pretty good. It was pretty hot but besides that, everything else went good. I didn't get any homework or anything like that so I don't have to do any homework on the weekend and can just relax.I'm starting off m weekend by going over to a family members house and a few cousins to just hang out and watch but movie, so that'll be fun.Then on Saturday I'll be going shopping with my aunt on Saturday to get some clothes and stuff like that.

                                                                                     WEEK 9     This week has been pretty good, all we did w...